Results for 'Gianfranco Soldati Manfred Bruns'

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  1.  44
    Object‐dependent and Property dependent Contents.Gianfranco Soldati Manfred Bruns - 1994 - Dialectica 48 (3-4):185-208.
    SummaryIn a theory of representational or intentional states content is generally supposed to play various roles. It has to be the bearer of a truth‐value, it has to determine the way a representation is about something , and finally it has to 6e used in order to give intra‐ and interpersonal psychological explanations. It has been argued that no unique kind of content can play all these roles. What criterion should one adopt in order to draw the dividing line? We (...)
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    Frühe Phänomenologie und die Ursprünge der analytischen Philosophie.Gianfranco Soldati - 2000 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 54 (3):313-340.
    It is by now common knowledge that analytic philosophy has its roots, at least partially, in phenomenology. It is less known that analytic philosophy has inherited part of its original antipsychologism precisely from phenomenology, or rather from early phenomenology. The present article traces the historical brackground of antipsychologism, starting with the debate on the philosophical foundations of psychology during the 19th century. It appears that naturalistic antipsychologism, the early phenomenologists position, has to be distinguished from transcendental antipsychologism, as it was (...)
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  3. Intentionalism and phenomenal error.Gianfranco Soldati - unknown
    In this paper we shall address some issues concerning the relation between the content and the nature of perceptual experience. More precisely, we shall ask whether the claim that perceptual experiences are by nature relational implies that they cannot be intentional. As we shall see, much depends in this respect on the way one understands the possibility for one to be wrong about the phenomenal nature of one’s own experience. We shall argue that once this very possibility is properly understood, (...)
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  4.  52
    Bedeutungen und Gegenständlichkeiten Zu Tugendhats sprachanalytischer Kritik von Husserls früher Phänomenologie.Gianfranco Soldati - 1996 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 50 (3):410 - 441.
  5. Brentano on Inner Perception, Intrinsic Truth and Evidence.Gianfranco Soldati - 2005 - In Maria E. Reicher & Johann Christian Marek (eds.), Experience and analysis: proceedings of the 27th International Wittgenstein Symposium, 8th to 14th August 2004, Kirchberg am Wechsel (Austria). Vienna: ÖBV & HPT. pp. 63-73.
    rentano’s theory of inner perception, evidence and truth upsets some widespread assumptions in contemporary philosophy. It rests on an unusual notion of inner perception and on a nominal theory of judgement; it attributes a central role to evidence in epistemology and treats mental states as being intrinsically true. The present contribution aims first at presenting and elucidating some of Brentano’s views on these matters. In some crucial points Brentano’s position will be modified and hopefully en- hanced in a way that (...)
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    Die Objektivität der Bedeutung (Ⅰ. Logische Untersuchung, §§ 24-35).Gianfranco Soldati - 2008 - In Verena Mayer & Christopher Erhard (eds.), Edmund Husserl: logische Untersuchungen. Berlin: Akademie Verlag Berlin. pp. 61--76.
  7. Über den Wert der weggeworfenen Leiter.Gianfranco Soldati - 2006 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 53 (1/2):431-434.
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    Appearances and Illusions.Gianfranco Soldati - 2018 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2 (2):62-81.
    This paper deals with the nature of perceptual appearances. It argues that they are objective relational properties of external objects. In perceptual experience, we are acquainted with such appearances. These are not sense data, as usually understood, and they are not identical to the properties we attribute to external objects through the usage of qualitative concepts such as ‘red’, ‘square’ and ‘sweet.’ We use such concepts in order to describe properties that are manifest in perception, not in order to describe (...)
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    Bedeutung und psychischer Gehalt: eine Untersuchung zur sprachanalytischen Kritik von Husserls früher Phänomenologie.Gianfranco Soldati - 1994
  10.  51
    Early Phenomenology and the Origins of Analytic Philosophy.Gianfranco Soldati - 2002 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 2:93-115.
  11. Le rôle du corps dans la conscience d'autrui.Gianfranco Soldati - 2003 - Studia Philosophica 62:105-118.
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  12.  61
    Logische Analyse und Sprachanalyse.Gianfranco Soldati - 1992 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 1 (4):8-15.
  13. Direct Realism and Immediate Justification.Gianfranco Soldati - 2012 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 112 (1pt1):29-44.
    Direct realism with respect to perceptual experiences has two facets, an epistemological one and a metaphysical one. From the epistemological point of view it involves the claim that perceptual experiences provide immediate justification. From the metaphysical point of view it involves the claim that in perceptual experience we enter into direct contact with items in the external world. In a more radical formulation, often associated with naive realism, the metaphysical conception of direct realism involves the idea that perceptual experiences depend (...)
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  14.  92
    Elements of a Phenomenological Theory of Perception.Gianfranco Soldati - 2013 - Rivista di Filosofia 104 (3):461-484.
  15. Subjectivité dans la pensée et dans le langage.Gianfranco Soldati - 2002 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 49 (1-2):33-48.
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    Abstraction and abstract concepts: On Husserl's philosophy of arithmetic.Gianfranco Soldati - 2004 - In Arkadiusz Chrudzimski & Wolfgang Huemer (eds.), Phenomenology and analysis: essays on Central European philosophy. Lancaster: Ontos. pp. 1--215.
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  17. "Hinweise auf": K.-H. ILTING: Grundfragen der praktischen Philosophie.Gianfranco Soldati - 1994 - Philosophische Rundschau 41 (3):275-276.
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  18. Rationalität der Gefühle.Gianfranco Soldati - 2000 - Studia Philosophica 59:109-127.
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    Reply to Paul Bernier.Gianfranco Soldati - 2002 - In Jérôme Dokic & Joëlle Proust (eds.), Simulation and Knowledge of Action. John Benjamins. pp. 45--49.
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  20. Wczesna fenomenologia i źródła filozofii analitycznej.Gianfranco Soldati - 2007 - Folia Philosophica 25:58--82.
    The text "Frühe Phänomenologie und die Ursprünge der analytischen Philosophie" was originally published in „Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung” 2000, Bd. 54, Heft 3, s. 313—340.
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    Thomas Szanto: Bewusstsein, Intentionalität und mentale Repräsentation. Husserl und die analytische Philosophie des Geistes: De Gruyter, Berlin, 2012 , ISBN 978-3-11-027723-4, 654 pp, 129,95 €, $182.00.Gianfranco Soldati - 2014 - Husserl Studies 30 (3):269-276.
    By the time of the Prolegomena , Husserl took phenomenology to be a philosophical method that stands in opposition to naturalism, of which psychologism was supposed to be a particularly pernicious instance. Husserl was not the only philosopher at the turn of the century to oppose psychologism. Among his fellow campaigners one finds Frege, who played a decisive role in the development of so-called analytic philosophy, and Dilthey, who stands at the roots of contemporary hermeneutics. When it comes to issues (...)
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  22. Zur Rolle der Wahrnehmung in demonstrativen Gedanken.Gianfranco Soldati - 2010 - In Manfred Frank & Niels Weidtmann (eds.), Husserl und die Philosophie des Geistes. Berlin: Suhrkamp.
  23. Subjectivity in heterophenomenology.Gianfranco Soldati - 2007 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 6 (1-2):89-98.
    I distinguish between naïve phenomenology and really existing phenomenology, a distinction that is too often ignored. As a consequence, the weaknesses inherent in naïve phenomenology are mistakenly attributed to phenomenology. I argue that the critics of naïve phenomenology have unwittingly adopted a number of precisely those weaknesses they wish to point out. More precisely, I shall argue that Dennett’s criticism of the naïve or auto-phenomenological conception of subjectivity fails to provide a better understanding of the intended phenomenon.
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  24. What is formal in Husserl's logical investigations?Gianfranco Soldati - 1999 - European Journal of Philosophy 7 (3):330–338.
    It is sometimes said that questions of form are questions of logic or language. In his "Logical Investigations" Husserl, however, clearly distinguished formal ontology from formal grammar and formal logic. The article attempts to explain Husserl's notion of formal ontology. It investigates the relation between formal and material ontology as well as the relation between epistemic and metaphysical necessity. The article provides an interpretation of Husserl's claim that there are metaphysical necessities which are necessarily recognized by the human mind on (...)
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  25.  91
    Object-dependent and Property dependent Contents.Manfred Bruns - 1994 - Dialectica 48 (3):185.
  26.  38
    Methodological Problems in the Phenomenology of Time.Gianfranco Soldati - 2015 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 9 (1):71-88.
    It is difficult to develop a coherent conception of time on the basis of our experience of time. The philosophical analysis of our experience of time is a central topic in phenomenology. So one might expect phenomenology to deliver a contribution to the solution of the most challenging puzzles of the philosophy of time. This paper deals with some methodological issues related to such an expectation. It opposes two main conceptions of the role of phenomenology in the philosophy of time. (...)
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    Editorial.Gianfranco Soldati - 2005 - Dialectica 59 (1):3–4.
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    European Review of Philosophy, 1: Philosophy of Mind.Gianfranco Soldati (ed.) - 1994 - Center for the Study of Language and Inf.
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    Knowledge of meaning in the first person.Gianfranco Soldati - 2002 - Topoi 21 (1-2):21-24.
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    Recreative minds, by Gregory Currie and Ian Ravenscroft.Gianfranco Soldati - 2006 - European Journal of Philosophy 14 (3):448–452.
  31.  66
    Phénoménologie, sémantique, ontologie. Husserl et la tradition logique autrichienne Jocelyn Benoist Collection «Épiméthée» Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1997, 311 p. [REVIEW]Gianfranco Soldati - 1999 - Dialogue 38 (3):634-.
    Lire un texte du passé d’un point de vue philosophique, et non pas seulement historique ou philologique, signifie se situer par rapport à lui, ou inversement situer le texte par rapport à un débat actuel. Seulement, voilà, qu’est-ce qu’un débat actuel? Est-ce que toute discussion philosophique qui se produit en l’année 99 dans une salle d’université quelconque mérite le titre de contribution — qu’elle soit négligeable ou éminemment signifiante — à la philosophie actuelle? Il existe une foule de débats qui (...)
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  32. Conceptual qualia and communication.Fabian Dorsch & Gianfranco Soldati - 2005 - In Gilian Crampton Smith (ed.), The Foundations of Interaction Design. pp. 1-14.
    The claim that consciousness is propositional has be widely debated in the past. For instance, it has been discussed whether consciousness is always propositional, whether all propositional consciousness is linguistic, whether propositional consciousness is always articulated, or whether there can be non-articulated propositions. In contrast, the question of whether propositions are conscious has not very often been the focus of attention.
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  33. Book Review. [REVIEW]Gianfranco Soldati - 2001 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 48 (3):477-479.
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  34. DIETER MÜNCH: Intention und Zeichen. [REVIEW]Gianfranco Soldati - 1994 - Philosophische Rundschau 41 (3):269.
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  35. Self and World. [REVIEW]Jürgen Pafel & Gianfranco Soldati - 1998 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 52 (1).
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  36.  77
    The Artemidorus Papyrus (L.) Canfora The True History of the So-called Artemidorus Papyrus. Pp. iv + 199, ills. Bari: Edizioni di Pagina, 2007. Paper, €16. ISBN: 978-88-7470-044-8. (C.) Gallazzi, (B.) Kramer, (S.) Settis (edd.) Il Papiro di Artemidoro. With the collaboration of Gianfranco Adornato, Albio C. Cassio, Agostino Soldati. In two volumes, cased. Pp. 630, b/w & colour ills, b/w & colour pls, DVD. Milan: Edizioni Universitarie di Lettere Economia Diritto, 2008. Cased, €480. ISBN: 978-88-7916-380-4. (L.) Canfora Il papiro di Artemidoro. Pp. x + 523, pls. Bari: Editori Laterza, 2008. Paper, €28. ISBN: 978-88-420-8521-. [REVIEW]Richard Janko - 2009 - The Classical Review 59 (2):403.
  37.  11
    A Discussion on the Future of Democracy with Pierre Rosanvallon.Gianfranco Pellegrino - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
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    Gemeinwohl und Gemeinsinn im Übergang?Rainer Schmalz-Bruns - 2001 - In Harald Bluhm & Herfried Münkler (eds.), Gemeinwohl Und Gemeinsinn: Zwischen Normativität Und Faktizität. De Gruyter. pp. 241-272.
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    The Rise of the Global Imaginary: Political Ideologies From the French Revolution to the Global War on Terror.Manfred B. Steger - 2008 - Oxford University Press.
    A tour de force examination of the contemporary ideological landscape by one of the world's leading analysts of globalization.
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  40. Interpreting Kant correctly: On the Kant of the neo-Kantians.Manfred Kühn - 2009 - In Rudolf A. Makkreel & Sebastian Luft (eds.), Neo-Kantianism in Contemporary Philosophy. Indiana University Press.
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    Additive Particles under Stress.Manfred Krifka - unknown
    It is customary to identify three broad classes of grading particles: additive particles like also, exclusive particles like only, and scalar particles like even (cf. König (1991); in the examples, grave accent stands for the main, falling accent).
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    Contra organisierte Suizidbeihilfe.Florian Bruns & Gerrit Hohendorf - 2015 - Ethik in der Medizin 27 (2):167-170.
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    Inventions: Writing, Textuality, and Understanding in Literary History.Gerald L. Bruns - 1984 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 42 (3):342-345.
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    Circumscription.Manfred Jaeger - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 60 (2):293-301.
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    (1 other version)Der unmögliche Blick.Manfred Riepe - 2009 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 1:151-166.
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    Be brief and vague! And how bidirectional optimality theory allows for verbosity and precision.Manfred Krifka - manuscript
    Given the beginnings of the United States of America, its sympathy with the French revolution and its rationalist attitude towards the institutions of society, one would have expected that it would have been one of the first nations to adopt the new metric system that was introduced in France in 1800. But the history of the attempts to do so is decidedly mixed. American Congress authorized the use of the metric system in 1866. In 1959, American measurements were defined in (...)
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  47.  20
    (2 other versions)Kleine Schriften 1: Arbeiten Zur Theoretischen Philosophie Kants.Manfred Baum - 2019 - De Gruyter.
    Dieser Band ist der erste von drei Bänden kleiner Schriften Manfred Baums, die auch schwer zugängliche oder bisher unveröffentlichte Vorträge, Aufsätze und Artikel zur Geschichte der Philosophie versammeln. Er enthält Arbeiten zur theoretischen Philosophie Kants und zu ihrer Rezeption.
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    Inviolability, Saveability, and Numbers.Andreas Bruns - 2024 - Journal of Moral Philosophy:1-19.
    In this article, I defend Frances Kamm’s inviolability account against a powerful objection referred to as the saveability objection. The inviolability account aims to justify deontological constraints (that prohibit us from harming innocent people even to minimise instances of the same type of harm overall) by referring to the idea that constraints hold us to be more inviolable and hence more important beings than we would otherwise be. The saveability objection says that we would seem to be at least equally (...)
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    (1 other version)3 On the Tragedy of Hermeneutical Experience.Gerald L. Bruns - unknown - In eds Walter Jost and Michael J. Hyde (ed.), Rhetoric and Hermeneutics in Our Time: A Reader. Yale University Press. pp. 73-89.
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  50. Zur Vorgeschichte des Hegelschen Unendlichkeitsbegriffs.Manfred Baum - 1976 - Hegel-Studien 11:89-124.
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